Sensory Systems in the Hatchery

In the Pacific NW, salmon (genus Oncorhynchus) are a critical resource.

Chinook salmon are the primary food source for endangered southern resident orcas and hold cultural significance for Native Tribes. Salmon are also big business for recreational and commercial anglers and popular on the dinner table! Regional and national hatcheries produce millions of juvenile salmon each year, which are then released into local watersheds. Unfortunately, hatchery-reared salmon have relatively poor survival post-release, as compared to wild-spawned salmon. 

We use cellular, morphological and behavioral assays to ask how elements of hatchery rearing impact juvenile salmon development. 

Current Research Questions

  • How does hatchery noise affect development of the inner ear and lateral line?

  • Does altering the acoustic environment affect survival post-release?

  • How do vitamins in hatchery diets impact fish growth and skeletal development?

Research Leads

Rikeem Sholes

Fisheries Biologist
US Fish and Wildlife Service