Our Philosphy


We Believe In:

Excellence with Integrity

We seek new scientific knowledge. We know that science requires replication, proper controls, and plenty of humility. We also know that our own prior experience and biases influence the experiments we run and how we interpret our data.

The Power of Communication

Ultimately, science advances knowledge for human good. That purpose is only realized by communicating our science with different stakeholder groups - other scientists, policy-makers, the local community, and more. As Dr. Coffin says, “Science without communication is silent. Make some noise!”

Mentoring and Respect

Mentorship is foundational to our lab culture. This philosophy extends far beyond techniques to writing, oral communication, networking, time management, and other life skills. We work together to set goals and encourage one another to reach those goals.

Deaf Culture

Our work focuses on preventing hearing damage in those who currently have hearing and on restoring hearing to those who desire these therapies. Our work does not mean that hearing impairment needs to be “fixed.” Deafness is a culture, not a disorder.

Having fun!

Finally, we believe that science should be fun! Yes, some days are rough - the experiment didn’t work (again!), or that key concluding sentence is elusive, but we strive to make our lab a positive and supportive environment where every lab member enjoys their experience.

Comic thanks to Echo Rivera.
Learn more about the making of this comic on her blog.