Here we present select publications that showcase our varied research interests.
First, a review paper that reflects our research philosophy:
Brown AD, Hayward T, Portfors CV, Coffin AB (2023) On the value of diverse organisms in auditory research: From fish to flies to humans. Hear Res 432:108754.
Please see Dr. Coffin’s Google Scholar profile for a complete publication list.
Hair cell death, protection, and regeneration
*Coffin Lab trainee names are italicized
Coffin AB, Dale E, Molano O, Pederson A, Costa EK, Chen J (2024) Age-related changes in the zebrafish and killifish inner ear and lateral line. Scientific Reports 14(1):6670.
Uribe PM, Hudson AM, Lockard G, Jiang M, Harding J, Steyger PS, Coffin AB (2023) Hepatocyte growth factor mimetic confers protection from aminoglycoside-induced hair cell death in vitro. Hear Res 434:109786
Coffin AB, Dale E, Doppenberg E, Fearington F, Hayward T, Hill J, Molano O (2022) Putative COVID-19 therapies imatinib, ritonavir, lopinavir, and ivermectin cause hair cell damage: a targeted screen in the zebrafish lateral line. Front Cell Neuro 16:941031.
Coffin AB, Boney R, Hill JD, Tian C, Steyger PS (2021) Detecting novel ototoxins and potentiation of ototoxicity by disease settings. Frontiers in Neurology. 12:725566.
Hudson AM, Lockard GM, Namjoshi OA, Wilson JW, Kindt KS, Blough BE, Coffin AB (2020) Berbamine analogs exhibit differential protective effects from aminoglycoside-induced hair cell death. Front Cell Neurosci doi:10.3389/fncel.2020.00234.
Coffin AB, McGraw H (2020) Lateral line regeneration: Comparative and mechanistic perspectives. In: Fritzsch B, Bleckmann H. The Senses: A Comprehensive Review, volume 7. Elsevier. pp 85-94.(review)
Hayward T, Young A, Jiang A, Crespi EJ, Coffin AB (2019) Glucocorticoid receptor activation exacerbates aminoglycoside-induced damage to the zebrafish lateral line. Hear Res 377:12-23.
Uribe PM, Villalpando BK, Lawton KJ, Fang Z, Gritsenko D, Bhandiwad A, Sisneros JA, Xu J, Coffin AB (2018) Larval zebrafish lateral line as a model for acoustic trauma. eNeuro doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0206-18.2018.
Wiedenhoft H, Hayashi L, Coffin AB (2017) PI3K and Inhibitor of Apoptosis proteins modulate gentamicin-induced hair cell death in the zebrafish lateral line. Front Cell Neurosci. 11:326. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2017.00326
Neveux S, Smith NK, Roche A, Blough BE, Pathmasiri W, Coffin AB (2017) Natural Compounds as occult ototoxins? Ginkgo biloba flavonoids moderately damage lateral line hair cells. J Assoc Res Otolaryngol DOI:10.1007/s10162-016-0604-6
Kruger M, Boney R, Ordoobadi AJ, Sommer TF, Trapani JG, Coffin AB (2016) Natural Bizbenzoquinoline derivatives protect zebrafish lateral line sensory hair cells from aminoglycoside toxicity. Front Cell Neurosci. DOI:10.3389/fncel.2016.00083.
Mulvaney JF, Thompkins C, Noda T, Nishimura K, Sun WW, Lin S-Y, Coffin A, Dabdoub A (2016) Kremen1 regulates mechanosensory hair cell development in the mammalian cochlea and the zebrafish lateral line. Scientific Reports. 6:31668. doi: 10.1038/srep31668
Uribe P, Kawas L, Harding J, Coffin AB (2015) Hepatocyte growth factor mimetic protects lateral line hair cells from aminoglycoside exposure. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 9:3. Doi: 10.3389/fncel.2015.00003
Coffin AB, Rubel EW, Raible DW (2013) Bax, Bcl2, and p53 differentially regulate neomycin- and gentamicin-induced hair cell death in the zebrafish lateral line. J Assoc Res Otolaryngol DOI 10.1007/s10162-013-0404-1.
Coffin AB, Williamson KL, Mamiya A, Raible DW, Rubel EW (2013) Profiling drug-induced cell death pathways in the zebrafish lateral line. Apoptosis DOI 10.1007/s10495-013-0816-8
Esterberg R, Hailey DW, Coffin AB, Raible DW, Rubel EW (2013) Disruption of intracellular calcium regulation is integral to aminoglycoside-induced hair cell death. J Neurosci 33(17):7513-7525.
Thomas AJ, Hailey DW, Stawicki TM, Wu P, Coffin AB, Rubel EW, Raible DW, Simon JA, Ou H (2013) Functional mechanotransduction is required for cisplatin-induced hair cell death in the zebrafish lateral line. J. Neurosci.33(10):4405-4414.
Owens KN, Santos F, Roberts B, Linbo T, Coffin AB, Knisely AJ, Simon JA, Rubel EW, Raible DW (2008) Identification of genetic and chemical modulators of zebrafish mechanosensory hair cell death. PLoS Genetics 4(2):1-14.
Endogenous and exogenous modulation
*Coffin Lab trainee names are italicized
Jasper C, Molano O, Farbod L, Hayward T, Sisneros JA, Coffin AB (2023). Plainfin midshipman fish: Songbirds of the Sea. Frontiers for Young Minds doi: 10.3389/frym2023.1124239. (Review)
Rogers LS, Coffin AB, Sisneros JA (2022) Reproductive state modulates utricular auditory sensitivity in a vocal fish. J Neurophysiol 128(5):1344-1354.
Young A, Kochenkov V, McIntyre JK, Stark JD, Coffin AB (2018) Urban stormwater runoff negatively impacts lateral line development in larval zebrafish and salmon embryos. Sci Rep doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-21209-z.
Faber-Hammond J, Samanta M, Whitchurch EA, Manning D, Sisneros JA, Coffin AB (2015) Saccular transcriptome profiles of the seasonal breeding plainfin midshipman fish (Porichthys notatus), a teleost with divergent sexual phenotypes. PLoS One. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0142814
Hayashi L*, Sheth M*, Young A, Kruger M, Wayman GA, Coffin AB (2015) The effect of the aquatic contaminants bisphenol-A and PCB-95 on the zebrafish lateral line. Neurotoxicology 46:125-136. *co-first authors
Coffin AB, Mohr RA, Sisneros JA (2012) Saccular-specific hair cell addition correlates with reproductive state-dependent changes in the auditory saccular sensitivity of a vocal fish. J. Neurosci. 32:1366-1376.
Salmon hatcheries and salmon
*Coffin Lab trainee names are italicized
Sholes RK , Coffin AB (2023) Effect of Aquaculture Sound on Fish Development, Physiology, and Behavior. In: The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life: Principles and Practical Considerations. Popper AN, Sisneros J, Hawkins AD, Thomsen F (eds). (review)
Brown AD, Sisneros JA, Jurasin T, Coffin AB (2016) Effects of hatchery rearing on the structure and function of mechnosensory systems in salmonids. In: Popper AN, Hawkins AD (eds) Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life II, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Springer Science + Business Media, New York. 875:117-24. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-2981-8_14. (review)
Brown AD, Sisneros JA, Jurasin T, Nyugen C, Coffin AB (2013) Differences in lateral line morphology between hatchery- and wild-origin steelhead. PLoS ONE 8(3):e59162. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0059162.
Oxman DS, Barnett-Johnson R, Smith M, Coffin A, Miller D, Josephson R, Popper AN (2007) The effect of vaterite deposition on otolith morphology, sound reception, and inner ear sensory epithelia in hatchery-reared Chinook salmon. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 64:1469-1478.
Science communication
Coffin AB (2021) Communicate your science: Engaging public audiences with acoustics. Acoustics Today Winter 2021 edition. (Cover)
Kerr, C, Coffin A (2021) Universities need science communication training programs. Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities.
Coffin AB (2018) How to improve your communication skills before your next job interview.