Science Communication

Science matters in our increasingly complex world, and science should be part of the conversation when we discuss solutions to the world’s most pressing problems. While there is no single way to tackle these challenges, science communication is a critical piece.

Communication takes more than intact hair cells. It takes connection, strategy, and storytelling. Good communication requires us to understand how our experience and potential biases affect our communication and that of our communication partners.

In addition to my faculty job at Creighton, I’m co-founder and President of the Association of Science Communicators (formerly Science Talk), a volunteer-run non-profit that empowers and inspires science communicators to increase their potential and impact the world. Our research questions include:

  • How can we bridge science communication theory and practice to better serve SciComm practitioners?

  • What are the pathways to a science communication career? 

  • How can organizations work together to professionalize the field?

Our next Science Talk conference is April 3-4, 2025 in Raleigh, NC (and virtually from everywhere).

Register for the conference today and join the ASC mailing list to learn about future opportunities.