Allison Coffin, PhD
Dr. Coffin regularly speaks at scientific conferences and for academic departments. She also enjoys speaking at Science Cafes, Rotary Clubs, and other events for non-technical audiences - particularly events for high school students!
Interested in booking her for an upcoming event? Please email allisoncoffin [@]
Upcoming Presentations
FEB 2025
Association of Research in Otolaryngology mid-winter meeting
Orlando, FL
APRIL 2025
Science Talk ‘25
Raleigh, NC
JULY 2025
The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life
Prague, Czech Republic
Past Presentations
Technical Talks
Acoustical Society of America and Australia joint meeting, “Zebrafish models of sensorineural hearing loss” (2023, Sydney, Australia)
Sigma Xi annual meeting, “Excellence in networking: Showcase yourself and your work with confidence (co-presenter Dr. Kiki Sanford, 2023, Long Beach, CA)
Molecular Biology of Hearing and Deafness meeting, “Ototoxic potential of COVID-19 therapies” (2022, Iowa City, IA)
Washington State Academy of Audiology, “Research advances in hearing protection and regeneration” (2019, Seattle, WA)
International Fish Biology Congress, “Seasonal auditory plasticity in female plainfin midshipman fish” (2018, Calgary, Canada)
Mechanics of Hearing conference (keynote), “Zebrafish hair cell mechanics and physiology through the lens of noise-induced hair cell death” (2017, Ontario, Canada)
Third International Conference on the Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life “Effects of hatchery rearing on salmonid mechanosensory systems” (2013, Budapest, Hungary)
Popular Science Talks
Oregon Museum of Science and Industry Science Cafe, “Dating in the Animal Kingdom: Finding Love without Tinder” (2024, Portland, OR)
Science on Tap, “When facts are not enough: Public perception of science” (2020, virtual)
Music Safety Summit, “Music and hearing loss” (2019, Seattle, WA)
Vancouver Rotary Club, “Protecting our hearing, one fish at a time” (2016, Vancouver, WA)
American Association of University Women keynote talk, “Listening to fish: my continuing journey” (2015, Vancouver, WA)
Science on Tap “Music to your ears? How to save your hearing…and how fish can help” (2014, Vancouver, WA)
San Diego Symphony, hosted by the Capita Foundation “Hearing: from the symphony to the lab” (2011, San Diego, CA)